The Spice Girls are back at the studio! / Las Spice Girls están de regreso en el estudio
News of the world reports:
"The Spice Girls are back together recording a song they wannabe this year's Christmas No 1, the News of the World can reveal. Our exclusive snap shows Geri Halliwell and Emma Bunton emerging from a top-secret recording session in a Brighton basement studio this week (...). Ginger and Baby Spice could hardly contain their joy, jumping up and down, giggling and hugging each other after laying down vocal tracks for their first CD in seven years at their former producer's home (Richard Stannard) on Tuesday (...) Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham, and Scary, Mel B —who are both in Los Angeles— will fly to England to record their parts in a few weeks. The band split in 2001, after selling more than 50 million records".
Según el diario News of the world, las Spice Girls están grabando lo que podría ser su próxima canción éxito. Se trata de una trabajo que ya ha reunido a Geri halliwell y a Emma Bunton. Proximamente Victoria Beckham y Melanie B. viajarán a Londres para hacer su parte. Richard Stannard es el productor, el mismo que les acompañó en su ascenso al estrellado.
I must confess, I loved some of her music when they came out. I was just a kid. I'm really enjoying this news. Do you? Please make sure to leave a comment.
Tengo que confesarlo. Cuando lanzaron su primer disco me gustaron. Estas noticias son bastante agradables :-). Deja un comentario.